
Find out how your finger on the pulse can change your nonprofit.
Two hours of data consultation

Data Only
Data only is the program that you select if you just want data cleaning and data consultation. We'll throw in suggestions for a data package.
- Data cleaning
- Data consultation

Tell your Story
Tell your Story is what you get if you take the community package. This allows you to manage your time, see your statistics and advertise what you do. A partial Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) on your desktop.
- Website
- Social media, including newsletters and surveys
- Marketing
- Employees
- and more....

Do Something Great
Do Something Great is what you get if you take the entire package. This allows you to account better, manage your time, see your statistics and have your finger on the pulse. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) in your pocket. It's everything Tell your Story can do and more!
- Accounting, Documents
- Website
- Social media, including newsletters and surveys
- Employees
- and more....
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